Thursday, October 28, 2010

Snuggle a Puggle

I haven't blogged much about the love of my life, Oliver. I literally have the smartest, cutest, best smelling, most friendly, most snuggly dog in the entire world. ever. I wanted and begged and cried for a dog for 20 years, every time I threw a penny in a fountain or blew an eyelash I wished for a puppy. and Oliver was worth the wait, he is the BEST!! that's why I had a PANIC ATTACK when he got off his leash last night and ran off. I was taking the trash to the curb and decided to take Oliver with me but he isn't the best with "come" so he has to be on a leash. If we are at the lake, where I know no cars can run him over he can be off leash, he runs off and explores but always finds us. Well we have him in a new Halloween collar, that apparently wasn't tight enough because as soon as we got outside the retractable leash slapped back to me collar and all. And of course it took Oliver less than a second to realize he was free. He RAN down the street, which leads to the highway. The second I saw the leash in my hand and him turn away from me I burst into tears. I ran into the house calling his name because sometimes if you sound like you're doing something exciting he comes running after you but nope, not tonight. I grabbed my phone and called Jimmy sobbing that I lost Oliver. When I got back to the yard he was peeing on our next door neighbors tree almost exactly where I had left him, he just looked at my like "whats all the commotion" and walked back to the house with me. Needless to say like the drama queen I am, I blew the situation way out of proportion. but that didn't stop me from crying for the next 20 minutes. I almost LOST him! Oliver, the best dog in the world, gone. I couldn't stop thinking about never seeing him again. All I know is that someone better come up with the technology to keep him alive forever, or clone him. Everyone needs their own Oliver, there's no better feeling than to snuggle a puggle.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Another bad day..

For those of you who remember back in April when I posted this.. well ladies and gentlemen it has happened again! I know its unbelievable.. but believe it. His third accident in less then two years, his third hummer possibly totaled. I thought it was a joke when Beth called me. But unfortunately it wasn't. Here is what our night consisted of.. get comfy folks, this is going to take a while.

So I get the call. The call to duty as it has become. As soon as Beth said they were in a wreck I was out the door. so fast that I forgot shoes, and Oliver in the back yard. As I'm pulling out of my neighborhood I have to pull over for an ambulance. scared. the. shit. out. of. me! So I call Beth, as I'm following the ambulance, to make sure its not coming for them, she said no but it was still going in the direction of where they were. Turns out it was another accident, a pretty bad one- head on collision, firemen helping people on the ground- multiple ambulances and fire trucks. So I'm on the phone with my mom freaking out because car accidents of any kind make me crazy. I finally get to Austin and Beth. They were stopped behind someone waiting to turn into a parking lot and a kid behind them wasn't paying attention (probably texting, which I am seeing on a daily basis and becoming somewhat of a honking vigilante, I honk and yell at them for putting my life in danger with their stupidity) anyway his truck slammed into the back of the hummer sending it into the back of the car in front of them. As soon as I got there an ambulance did come, Beth's neck was hurting and she was sitting with her legs up in the seat and her knees hit the dashboard so she decided to go to the hospital to get checked out. I rode with her in the ambulance, which would soon prove to be a life threatening decision. So everyone knows not to stop on train tracks right? wrong. The freaking guy stops the ambulance right on the tracks and guess what HERE COMES A TRAIN! he reversed it right before the arms went down. stupid ass almost had three more patients. Jimmy and Austin stayed to get everything cleared up at the scene.

We finally make it to the hospital.. at the same time as the ambulances from the other wreck. So poor Beth has to lay on the stretcher in the hallway for like ten minutes. I was glad I got to see that the people from the other accident weren't seriously injured. Then she got a free eye brow wax! kinda. The firemen were so cute trying to take off the tape that was holding her head to the board, joking about an eyebrow wax. I felt bad for Beth because from her position on the stretcher she couldn't see all of the hotter than hot, hotties in the hospital. I swear I felt like I was on an episode of Grey's Anatomy. Every, and I mean every fireman, police officer, and paramedic looked like he belonged in a calendar! We finally got into a room and a doctor checked on her. Then we got moved to the "kiddy korner", I told Beth it was because they saw that she was 5ft and assumed she was a child. As soon as we were alone Beth shared that she had left the house sans bra. We were cracking up! I assured her that the straps holding her to the board were really working for her, you couldn't tell at all. We waited for what seemed like forever for her to get x-rayed. (this post is taking me forever to write because the RANGERS ARE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES!!!!) back to it.. Austin and Jimmy came to the hospital to get Austin's neck looked at. Austin and Beth are fine, just sore and frustrated. They both got some meds and we left. Everyone at College Station Medical was beyond helpful. It was actually an enjoyable experience, Beth would probably tell you differently but I have never been in an ER and I would feel comfortable coming there for an injury. They were funny, and really nice and knew that it was scary to be there and were very accommodating!

Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure..

As you can tell from Beth's pictures, I did a great job of keeping her happy and entertained. AND I had a test today but because I spent all night at the hospital I didn't have to take it! In the spirit of positivity I'd like to to leave you with some good things that came out of these events.. I now know where the hospital is, plenty of eye candy in the ER, everyone survived, and I postponed a test. pretty sweet if you ask me.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I'm back! (for real this time)

I'd like to sincerely apologize to my faithful readers who have had to stare at a picture of a shark for the past few months. I really have no excuse for not writing and I have cheated you out of some really good posts that I was just too lazy to write. Instead of dwelling on the past I ask you to forgive this injustice so that we may move forward, with the promise that I will get back in the habit of blogging.

I'd like my comeback post to be about a very important thing that has recently entered my life. It is a show on TLC called Sister Wives that follows a polygamist family. Its the real life version of Big Love and I can't get enough of these people! Its like seeing a car accident happen.. it gives you a really weird feeling in the pit of your stomach, but you can't help but watch, and a part of you secretly enjoys the rarity and chaos of it all. Here's how it goes down.. the husband has been married to wife #1 for 20 years, wife #2 for 17 and the third for 16 years. He just recently courted and married a fourth wife. He has 13 children with his first 3 wives and his 4th wife has 3 of her own. They all live in one big house that has separate living spaces for each wife. He rotates between each of the wives. My initial thought was what is wrong with this guy.. yeah, 4 wives means 4 times the naughty time. But it also means 4 times the PMS. heelllloooo Its not like having a mistress where its all fun, no commitment. Its the exact opposite. But I don't care for him much. The wives on the other hand I love! I could never imagine having sister wives, but the reasons they have for doing it actually seem logical. For example, working moms go to work all day then come come and cook and clean and help with homework. Solution: have multiple moms to do each job. Another plus: the first 3 wives were all married to Kody before any of the kids were born so its like the kids have 3 moms, If something happened to one of the women, they know that the others would raise their children how they would want. They have a large, exciting family, there is always someone there and they have have really close best friends. BUT they share a husband. All of these women seem to be sane, but how they can overlook this fact is beyond me. I would never willingly share my husband, but I think if it makes them happy, which it seems they are, children included, then go for it, the more the merrier! I'm thankful they chose this lifestyle, it makes for great TV. Thanks TLC & Brown family for my newest guilty pleasure.