Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veteran's Day

DISCLAIMER: you will SOB!!!

This is the most emotional, beautiful, amazing, video I've ever seen. I've watched it over and over and cannot stop crying.

Thank you to those who serve, and to the families who support them.


  1. Thanks for the warning. I just cried like a baby haha. Beautiful video, had to share on my FB!

  2. okay i cry at disney movies, but not usually youtube ones. i definitely did cry, haha. this was so beautiful. thank you for sharing this!!!

  3. I did a similar video on my blog, and I had the same disclaimer... haha I am not even going to push play; because I cry during stupid silliness so that would kill me!

  4. Wow! So emotional! I love seeing the dads pick up their little girls. It's sooo sweet and yep, definitely cried through the entire thing! (:

  5. Ok I definitely cried when I saw this. Not cried, sobbed.

    Seriously have the chills!
