Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dear Santa,

I wish I wasn't a broke college student, and that Santa wasn't broke from paying for two college educations, and that I didn't have such expensive taste. Because all of these facts make up the unfortunate equation that equals me owning none of these things that I'm dying for.





I think I better go get a lottery ticket.


  1. LOVE your first choice! Considering that's what I use! The rest of your choices are cute as well :)

  2. Those boots are amazing! I'm asking for a new lens for my Nikon this year, hopefully Santa pulls through haha!

  3. oh my goodness it's like everything I want! HA. I love those boots too!

  4. I'm loving your Christmas list! (even though I'm a canon girl hehe ;) I hope you get at least one or two (or four) things on your list! (:

  5. I love this list! I am asking for a camera and sewing machine as well, and I've had my eye on those gorgeous bracelets for a while. If only they were a little more in my price range!

  6. The boots are awesome!
    I've also been eyeing a sewing machine... but I, like you, am a broke college student :/
    By the way, if you get around to getting the camera, I would recommend spending a bit more to get the D5000. The 3000 has gotten some bad reviews for the price. Just saying :)
