Friday, May 28, 2010


I'm on my new Samsung netbook!! My p.o.s. Sony Viao can't be unplugged or it dies, so when I get back to school I'll be using it as a desktop and this will be my lap top.

So, yesterday I was talking to my Mom about what I'm going to do with my life. I'm having second thoughts about a career working with children. I love kids, and kids love me, but I'm not so sure I want to work with them anymore. Its like I used to play teacher when I was younger and got it in my head that's what I wanted to do and just stuck with it. It think I want to write. And to top it off, my fortune last night said "now is a great time to try something new" That's gotta be some kind of sign.

Its scary to think about changing my plans, but I guess now is the time to do it. I have always enjoyed writing, and I'm pretty good at it. My Mom has always said I should be a writer. And my Grammie has been reading my blog and says I "have a way with words". She attributes that to the stories she used to tell us. She used to make up the craziest stories, Gram if you're reading this.. write down some of the stories you can remember, I would love to have them.

I'm going to buy a lottery ticket today. Don't worry, I'll still blog when I'm a millionaire.


  1. You're super witty and clever with your words...that's why I completely 100% support you!! :)

  2. I would buy your book and I could be your manager/publicist!!!
