Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hello World

So after stumbling across a stranger's hilarious blog I became inspired to start my own.

I'm thinkin maybe I need a blogging gimmick.. like Julie and Julia. Maybe they'll turn it into a book or a play. Or a movie! the possibilities are endless. Or not.

For now I think I'll just blog about my everyday. Someone is bound to find it entertaining.

So brace yourselves for a lot of anecdotes about my puggle puppy, Oliver, my Aggie education (whoop), and my brainy boyfriend, Jimmy.

I refuse to go to sleep because it means I have to wake up and go to biology lab. We have been dissecting things for the past 3 weeks. gag. there's nothing like the smell of formaldehyde in the morning. ha

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great Idea and I will enjoy being your first follower! lol
